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Mother and young rhinoceros killed for their horns.
Image credit: Wikipedia
The Nature writer, David Cyranoski, presents this news in a classic two-sides-of-the-story format, describing the "endless hours" that TCM proponents spent on such important topics as the "correct location of acupuncture points and less commonly known concepts such as ‘triple energizer meridian’ syndrome." Later in the article (but much later), he points out that scientists have argued that qi and meridians simply don't exist.
Cyranoski also falls into the trap of using the phrase "Western medicine" as if it were just an alternative point of view. An apt response is this comment from a biology Ph.D. student, who goes by @astrelaps on Twitter:
"What a weak, equivocal article from the world's preeminent scientific journal. "For those steeped in Western medicine..." is like writing "For those steeped in climate science" or "For those steeped in evolutionary biology" when reporting on climate change denial or creationism."Well put. On the other hand, Cyranoski does point out that the major motivation for TCM is money:
"[China] has been aggressively promoting TCM on the international stage both for expanding its global influence and for a share of the estimated US$50-billion global market."Were you thinking this was about health care? Afraid not. Cyranoski goes on to point out some serious problems with TCM, for example:
"Critics view TCM practices as unscientific, unsupported by clinical trials, and sometimes dangerous: China’s drug regulator gets more than 230,000 reports of adverse effects from TCM each year."Actually, it's much worse than this. Here's what TCM really looks like: the horrific slaughter of the last remaining rhinoceroses in Africa in order to hack off their horns, which are sold to become part of elixirs that some people mistakenly think confer strength or virility. Last year, National Geographic ran a heart-wrenching photo essay showing some of the awful results of rhinoceros poaching in Africa; take a look at these photos here.
TCM also looks like this: black bears kept in grotesquely cruel "farms" with a permanent tube inserted into their abdomens so that their bile can be harvested. Despite a growing movement to end this inhumane practice (see this NY Times story), it persists today, with thousands of bears kept in cages so small they can barely move. No one can view photos such as these and say that TCM is a good thing.
And TCM is behind the slaughter of the last remaining wild tigers, which are virtually extinct now in Asia, so that men can foolishly eat their bones, claws, and genitals in the mistaken belief that tiger parts will make them virile. Here too, National Geographic has details and photographs that are almost too painful to look at.
And don't get me started on pangolins, the beautiful, peaceful mammal that's now perilously endangered because TCM practitioners think its scales have some sort of medicinal value. (They don't.) For more on these gentle creatures, see the article I wrote last year.
I can almost hear the counter argument: but what about artemisinin? That's a plant extract derived from Artimisia annua, an herb that was traditionally used in China to treat malaria. Turns out that it really works, and artemisinin is now the basis of a number of modern malaria treatments.
Well, great. If an herb has the potential to treat disease, we should (and can, and do) study it, figure out what the active ingredient is, develop a controlled process for delivering effective doses, and use it. That's what happened with artemisia, and it also happened with taxol, an effective cancer chemotherapy derived from the Pacific yew tree, and common aspirin, derived from the willow tree.
But one success doesn't excuse hundreds of bogus claims that are based on little more than magical thinking.
There's no legitimate reason to use terms such as "Chinese" medicine, or American, Italian, Spanish, Indian, or [insert your favorite nationality] medicine. There's just medicine–if a treatment works, then it's medicine. If something doesn't work, then it's not medicine and we shouldn't sell it to people with false claims. The same is true for alternative, holistic, integrative, and functional medicine: these are all just marketing terms, with no scientific meaning. They merely serve to disguise sloppy, unscientific thinking at best, and in a less charitable interpretation, outright fraud.
As the Nature article points out, TCM has been a scam for decades: it was revived and heavily promoted in China by former dictator Mao Zedong, who didn't believe in it himself, but pushed it as a cheap alternative to real medicine. I won't go over that again here, but see these stories from Alan Levinovitz in Slate and David Gorski at Science-based Medicine.
Finally, why would the World Health Organization start pushing a set of unscientific practices that are likely to harm people's health? Support for TCM grew during the tenure of former WHO director Margaret Chan, who ran the WHO until 2017 and who had close ties to China. When Nature tried to contact Dr. Chan, the WHO responded that Chan "is not answering questions on matters related to the WHO."
By endorsing TCM, the WHO is taking a big step backwards. Let's hope that the current leaders of the WHO will realize that this step undermines their core mission. The WHO should not advocate treatments that not only have no evidence to support them and that can cause real harm to patients, but also are the primary reason that humans are hunting rhinoceroses, tigers, pangolins, and other animals to extinction.
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